Why subscribe to Words in Motion?

It’s a crazy world; we need to create spaces that help us stick together.

This is me, breaking up with my ‘give a damn.’

  • Let’s build a community where we can be a version of ourselves that we don’t know. Let’s change each other through our interactions.

  • Let’s build genuine, heartfelt friendships in this imaginary world of light and screens.

  • Let’s let go of expectations and open up to curiosity. Let’s live in the moment.

  • Let’s pour our hearts out on the paper and sift our words until only their essence is left.

  • Let’s create a unicorn of magical connection, a sparkling trail of shimmering light to shoot into the air to bring messages of hope and life, and rebirth to the world.

  • Let’s hold hands and step through the portal into a world of words and images on the other side.

  • We will set aside comparison and its harsh companion of judgment. Instead, we can use our words to gently coax the favor of connection and inclusion, the love partners who heal.

Why Join Me?

Life is a series of lessons, and I’ve learned my share.

  • I have a background in finance, have invested in stocks, flipped real estate, built multiple streams of income, retired early, and now I’m into crypto.

  • I’ve been hired and head-hunted, fired, and quit jobs for various different reasons.

  • I’ve been the boss of other people and am learning how to be the boss of me.

  • I lived on my own at 16, learning lessons you can only learn on the street.

  • I’ve married and divorced several times, each one was a major lesson in choosing a life partner. The last one was my best choice by far.

  • I learned to live in the moment, let go of the past and stop projecting into the future.

  • Now I write about it all.

I invite you to join me.

Expect a weekly dive into money, mindfulness, and meaning. Sometimes you'll get a new word or an inspiring story. There's always something going on.

✔️ Free Bonus: The Multiplier Effect Checklist

In a world that wants creators to feed the social media machine for free, a paid subscription is one way for my readers to support my writing directly.

Most posts are free for the foreseeable future.

I believe in an ethos of paying people for their work. (Especially in the creative space, where artists are often underpaid.) If you love this newsletter and get value out of it, please consider a paid subscription.

Either way, sign up now, so you don’t miss a single bit of delightfulness.

Subscribe to Words In Motion

A weekly dive into money, mindfulness, and meaning. Sometimes you'll get a new word or an inspiring story. There's always something going on.


I'm endlessly curious and write about things that interest me. Let's talk.