As promised, here’s A New Word, An Idea, and A Question.
Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash
A New Word
This is where I share a word that should be in the dictionary but isn’t.
Adj. (sole bee)
Definition of Soulbe
: the feeling of connecting soul to soul with another human being.
: something that is characterized by energy melding.
// They were two people joined in a soulbe moment.
// His soulbe writing left an imprint on her heart.
An Idea
Life is a series of choices.
The choices we make every day define how we live our lives.
Consider allowance and separation, judgment, and its tricky insidious leaking into our lives.
We choose to judge others and ourselves. And it’s crazy because we’re holding ourselves up to a standard that someone else has created.
What are we supposed to do?
What if we chose allowance instead. No judgment. What if we let ourselves be, without any expectations for once.
Let’s change our point of view and see how a little shift can make a monumental difference to how we live our lives. Let’s see how the ripples of a change can make a huge effect on everyone around us and how it can be positive for everyone.
I want to talk about how there is hope in the depths…
and how you can climb out.
Live with aliveness.
One of the reasons people get old — lose their aliveness — is that they get weighed down by all of their stuff. — Richard Leider
I want to celebrate our lives and savor the thoughts and tastes and the touch and smells of living life here on this earth at this time.
I want to talk about how it seems to me…
and have you share with me how it seems to you.
I want us to live in the zone of appreciation.
I want to talk about dancing with life in full allowance of all possibilities. I want to celebrate my newfound aliveness and my commitment to living my life for me, instead of following someone else’s path.
And most of all, I want this to be an invitation to you to talk about it too.
A Question
How are you celebrating your life? What things are you doing to celebrate your aliveness? Add your comment to this post.
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First of all, I LOVE the word Soulbe!! Mine was my son and we should all be lucky to have such a connection. What a great word.
I have just begun trying to celebrate life again. It's been a long slow road back but I do have plenty to be grateful for. This may sound cliche but I recently started learning meditation and it does wonders for gratitude and mindfulness.