Light power is rising on the planet and that’s the reason we see the darkness up close. The darkness plays out its shadow as light rises through people.
Systems, ways of being, thinking, or behaving that were founded in darker energy, the inequalities, are being offset. We see things more clearly now. The darkness is sharpened and we are more aware of injustice.
Light is returning through the earth in a big way. It’s coming back, it’s coming from inside the land.
This change comes to each individual differently. Some will experience a powerful transformation that they won’t be able to ignore. Others will experience a more subtle change, over a longer period.
Spirit is returning to humanity. We are going beyond the seduction and the limits of the 3D world.
People who used to manipulate us are beginning to lose power. Lots are still believing, but more are disillusioned about all of it.
Spirit is returning because we’re going to be living more in a spiritual way which is the next level for humanity.
Waves of healing are leading to more unity consciousness on the earth.
Here’s the full post on Medium*
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