It’s Tree Langdon from Medium and LinkedIn.

Chakras are energy centers
The seven major chakras are energy centers located in your body.
They are areas of the body where energy can enter or leave the body. Sometimes a chakra can become blocked, which creates a build-up of negative energy.Â
This can lead to distress in your body, both emotional and physical.Â
When you focus on specific chakras, it’s possible to clear the blocked energy, restoring the natural flow. This removes the emotional and physical distress, and you’ll feel clear and more aligned.
Each chakra focuses on a specific area of your body, but they also work together. When all seven chakras are aligned and cleared, you can rejuvenate and restore your body and mind.
The seven main chakras in your body are:
root chakra
sacral chakra
solar plexus chakra
heart chakraÂ
throat chakra
third eye chakra
crown chakra
Crystals focus energy
If you take the time to prepare a crystal properly, you can use it as a healing tool. If you focus the crystal’s energy on a specific chakra or area of your body, it will assist in clearing any blocks.
The natural energy in a crystal can be amplified by charging it. You can program a crystal by setting a clear intention for the work you want it to assist you with.
Putting them together
When you combine the energy-focusing vibration of a crystal with a chakra, you are using the crystal to assist you in the work of clearing blocked energy flows.Â
The unique energy of specific crystals will assist in balancing each chakra. If you work consistently on restoring the energy flow of each chakra, your emotional and physical health will improve.
Choosing crystals to balance a chakra
Each chakra can be balanced using a crystal that suits its energy. Here are some suggestions:
Root Chakra
Crystals that are dark red, brown, or black suit the root chakra as its energy is focused on grounding and protection or safety.Â
black tourmaline
Sacral Chakra
Crystals with a warm, earthy shade of orange and yellow suit the sacral chakra and its energy of confidence, emotional balance, and sexuality.
orange garnet
orange calcite
tigers eye
Solar plexus Chakra
Crystals that are bright yellow and gold suit the energy of personal power and purpose this chakra holds.
yellow jasper
golden calcite
Heart Chakra
Crystals that are soft pink and green reflect the energy of love and compassion and spirituality of this chakra.
rose quartz
green fluorite
pink rhodochrosite
Throat Chakra
Crystals with a light blue color reflect the purity and flow, which enhances the energy of expression and healing held by this chakra.
blue lace agate
blue kyanite
Third eye Chakra
Crystals that support this chakra’s energy of insight and intuition are purple and dark blue.
blue tigers eye
dumortierite (blue quartz)
Crown Chakra
Crystals that support the crown chakra’s energy of wisdom and enlightenment are clear, white, or purple.
clear quartz
clear topaz
Using your crystal with your chakras
Now that you have the right crystal for the chakra you are focusing on, there are several different ways to use it.
Be sure to properly cleanse, charge and program your crystal before you use it.
Direct skin contact
When you wear crystal jewelry that is in direct contact with your bare skin, the healing vibrations can easily begin to support your chakras. This is one of the easiest ways to use crystals.Â
Be sure to cleanse and recharge the crystal frequently.
Place the crystal on the chakra
Establish a regular practice of placing the crystal on the chakra you wish to clear. This establishes a clear intention and is an important part of programming the crystal.
Meditate with the crystal
When you hold a crystal during meditation or meditate while it is in contact with the corresponding chakra, its healing properties are enhanced.
Sleep with the crystal
Set an intention for the crystal and place it under your pillow at night. Your subconscious will take care of the rest.
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Great overview Tree. I love using crystals during meditation.