It’s Tree Langdon from Medium and LinkedIn.

We Swallow Light is a book that’s put together like a fictional story.
Most poetry collections are grouped together based on the style of the poem or the subject of the poetry.
We Swallow Light: Poems for introverts and lonely hearts (Life Poetry)
I created chapters that follow a story thread, using the 5 main components of a good story. The chapter titles are:
The Binding
The Passage
The Rituals
Choosing Love
As a student of the Story Grid, I discovered the 5 commandments of storytelling and have applied them to her new book.
The fourth chapter is The Rituals, and it‘s the Climax of the story. After the Passage, where the protagonist makes the best bad choice, there’s another decision for them to make. They often make a hero’s choice, deciding to change in a positive direction.
This part of the story fulfills the promise that was made at the beginning, in the first chapter, The Binding.
Here’s a quote from one of the poems:
The Hour of Cowdust
“ Walk on forest trails
in silence,
snaking through the woods
along the path to reach the sea
and when you circle back again
it’s with a lighter heart.”
I hope you like this take on the fourth chapter of the book.
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