Your creations have a vibrational energy that comes from within them.
This energy is generated by you but it’s also affected by the tools you use to create them.
When you pick up your tools and create art, when you cook a meal or build a structure, your energy imbues the creation with an energy of its own.
It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.
Everyone’s soul has a unique energy vibration.
There are gifted people who can read soul records (Akashic records). These records are energy imprints. Each one contains information about the unique gifts, energy vibrations, rhythms, talents, and abilities of that soul.
The tools you choose will support your creativity if you pay attention to their energy.
The energy of your tools is unique.
They were designed and created by someone who put their energy into their creations.
You can feel this energy the most when you hold a hand-crafted tool or a tool that has existed for generations, passed down from your ancestors.
In this way, these craftsmen from the past are agents of evolution sending their living consciousness into the future, in the form of a tool.
That’s why hand-crafted tools are so valuable to a creator.
The energy of your creations is also unique.
Each of your creations is a being, with its own energy center and life force.
When you begin to create the consciousness of something, you attract things that match the energetic profile of what is being created. Choose tools that match what you want to create.
Ask yourself — What are your intentions for this project?
When you select the tools you plan to use to make that creation happen, be aware that the energy of the tools will affect the outcome of your creation.
When you’re inspired and creative you infuse your creation with your inspiration.

I love tools, especially tools that help me make beautiful and functional things.
When you discover a tool that matches your energy, you can feel it right away.
When you bring a new tool into your workspace, take time to get to know it.
Be aware that this new tool came from its original creator.
Even if it's mass-produced, there was someone who designed it and they made choices and decisions about how it was made.
Hold the tool in your hand and close your eyes.
Feel the weight of the tool. Test its balance.
Examine it closely. Look at the way it’s made and run your hands over it.
Use all of your senses to get to know it.
Then take some time to learn about it. Test it out and see how it works.
If it's a pen or a paintbrush, make some marks.
Be playful.
Don’t try to make it do serious work right away.
Feel it in your hand and notice how it responds to different papers, different paints, or inks.
If it’s a tool like a hammer get some nails and test it out.
Does it balance well? Is there a particular way to hold it? How does it fit in your tool belt? Can you pull it out and replace it easily. Where does it live in your toolbox?
If your tool is a musical instrument, play a few notes or tinker with some exercises.
Take the time to learn its voice. Recognize its sound.
When you’re shopping for a new tool, you might want to play with a few of them in the store.
Try out several options or styles. Get to know them. Then set aside your favorites for consideration.
Recognize the feeling or sense that resonates with your personal energy.
Your creations have an energy vibration. So do the tools you use.
It's possible to get a sense of the energy of a tool when you first pick it up. You don’t need to take a lot of time to feel it. Sometimes you just know it’s the right one for you.
Take a moment and sit with your creative idea.
Arrange your tools on a table.
Feel the energy profile you see in what you want to create. It has its own rhythm, gifts, attributes, and essence.
Then select several possibilities for that creation and play with the tools that match.
When you feel the magic of a tool with matching energy, your creation will come to life.
This post originally appeared on my Medium blog.
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