As promised, here’s A New Word, An Idea, and A Question.
Photo by Jonas Denil on Unsplash
A New Word
This is where I share a word that should be in the dictionary but isn’t.
Definition of underseated
: a situation where everybody understands the topic being discussed, but you don't quite get it, so you sit in silence hoping no one calls you out. You are underseated.
: when you choose to be underseated because you’re tired of the verbiage surrounding you.
// I was completely underseated by the direction of the conversation.
// You seemed underseated by the complaints coming at you.
// Sometimes the news of the day is so shocking that I’m completely underseated.
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An Idea
I'm struck by several coincidences from the past two days.
This morning I had a lovely discussion on silence with my friend Kathryn.
She was feeling frazzled by the noisy surroundings as she tried to get her shopping done and that led her to remember how much she needed moments of silence in her life.
“In a world of blaring messages and constant grabbing for our attention, we forget the simple pleasure of no sound.” Kathryn A LeRoy
The importance of silence had fallen off my radar and I didn’t realize how much I missed it.
Yesterday I went to my weekly yoga class (so grateful to be able to do that again) and I was browsing their community library of free books.
I found an old copy of 'Silence, The Power of Quiet in a World Full of Noise', by Thich Nhat Hanh. That led me to sit in the sunshine and meditate for the first time in a very long time. What a great feeling it was to simply sit and allow thoughts to surface.
I love holding a well-loved book. There’s a feeling of connection when the book falls open to reveal a page that must have had meaning for the previous owner.
“Silence is essential. We need silence, just as much as we need air, just as much as plants need light. If our minds are crowded with words and thoughts, there is no space for us.” Thich Nhat Hanh, Silence.
When I give myself the gift of time to sit in silence, at first my thoughts race about like a wild animal that’s been trapped in a cage. If I wait long enough, ideas come to the surface. I’m often surprised at what comes up.
Sit in silence and ask yourself this question: ‘What am I aware of?’
The Soothing Silence Is an Escape
“I slide beneath the surface
lie suspended
in the equilibrium
of space
that swallows sound.
As the soothing liquid
holds me close,
every word I know
slips away.”
Tree Langdon
A Question
When was the last time you sat in complete and utter silence?
I’d love to hear the messages that came to you as you listened.
Thanks for reading Rosy, I'm glad you can use silence as a soothing tool.
Thanks for reminding me of Thich Nhat Hahn's book on silence. Reading his words (in silence) always leads me to a deeper understanding. And a special thanks for sharing my words about silence. I do believe silence holds miracles--if we're willing to sit long enough or any amount of time. I appreciate your insight and wisdom.