Thanks for reminding me of Thich Nhat Hahn's book on silence. Reading his words (in silence) always leads me to a deeper understanding. And a special thanks for sharing my words about silence. I do believe silence holds miracles--if we're willing to sit long enough or any amount of time. I appreciate your insight and wisdom.

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You're very welcome. I was delighted to find a copy. "Find the deeper silence of not thinking." That's always a challenge for me.

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Empathic and sensitive post. Silence is something I seek, but it can be impossible since I share a house with two people and there is no sound insulation. If I manage to wake up before everyone else, I'm gifted with the soothing energy of silence. Otherwise, the closest I've come to being able to the spaciousness of mental clarity and peace is when I play Mozart music for studying and relaxation.

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Not having a space of your own makes it more difficult to find silence. I've learned that when I sit in a public place, on a bus, or on a public bench, I can create a space of stillness around me. Not exactly the same as silence, but soothing. Have you tried noise-dampening headphones?

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Thanks for reading Rosy, I'm glad you can use silence as a soothing tool.

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Silence is so calming and gives us an opportunity to reflect and find inner peace. It soothes the soul.

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I love silence. It is so rejuvenating. I used to be the person who had music playing at all times, especially in my car. In the past year or so I spend plenty of time in silence and truly enjoy it.

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It's so calming for me as well. Thanks for being here and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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