Hummingbirds are special. 😊 Wins too. Started my Substack about a month ago - here's a link to first of several posts - that was a win. https://joeluca.substack.com/p/america-vs-old-people-whats-up-with


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Hey there friend! I do love the hummingbirds. I've set up feeders outside my office window.

I'm glad you're writing on Substack too. That IS a win. I'll check it out.

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Congratulations on The Swallow Light!

I'm smiling as I work my way through a fresh set of comments from my beta reader. It's a true labour of love to see the world you've created through someone else's eyes.

I have also set up a new Substack (https://plottedout.substack.com/) and I am so excited about the newsletter topic - it's a blend of fantasy, humour and sarcasm. I'm also committing to a weekly short story and this week's one is shaping up nicely about a cursed surfboard.

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A new Substack! That's great news. I'll be jumping over there to take a peek.

Thanks for sharing your wins!

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Hi Tree. I’m just about to launch my second book on Amazon and am working hard to get the novel I serialised on my Substack published by the traditional route through a literary agent. I have good vibes 😎 Positivity is so important to keep me going!

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That is such great news! I'd love to see you put the link to your book here. You're diving into the deep end- good for you!

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Thanks, Tree. Here’s the link to my first book: https://t.co/dLZ51P4mO6

I’ll let you have the second one as soon as I launch! 🚀

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I have just put it on a 5 day free trial on Kindle so grab a copy soon!

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I lost my night vision for several months. Had the first of three eye surgeries and I can drive at night again.

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What a huge win! As I get older (and things get a bit dimmer) I'm realizing my eyesight is one of the things I value the most. It's interesting how a bit of perspective changes your values.

Big win my friend. Big win!

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That must be such a fantastic feeling. So happy for you, Bill.

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